IP LANDSCAPE analysys support

IP LANDSCAPE analysys support
In modern economics, investment becomes an asset and bears fruit. Assets are economic resources that continuously bring benefits to companies. Apple, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, and others have intangible assets that constitute a major part of their enterprise value. In other words, ideas, knowledge, aesthetics, software, brand, network, and so on constitute the main value of these companies.
It may seem obvious that these companies, which are closely related to information, are at the top of the world's leading companies and play a significant role.
In addition, the growth of industries such as transportation equipment, including automobiles, materials, construction led by general contractors, heavy industries including comprehensive heavy machinery manufacturers, pharmaceuticals, food, information and communication technology, and resources and energy, is now driven by intelligent elements.
Industries such as entertainment, media, and distribution and restaurants are also greatly affected by intelligent elements in management.
Intelligence has become an important asset for companies, and this is a global trend in advanced countries. In the United States, it is said that about 90% of the enterprise value of listed companies is made up of intangible assets.
It is inevitable that the proportion of intangible assets in corporate value will continue to increase in Japan, and it has become impossible to discuss corporate management and business strategies without considering intangible assets.

IP Landscape is a management technique that integrates and oversees all information related to the management of companies, including intangible assets, assuming that information about intangible assets that have a significant impact on the future cash flows of the business is an important management information along with conventional financial and tangible asset information. This technique involves analyzing and observing all information related to the management of companies with intangible assets and formulating management and business strategies based on the analysis.
At the office, we provide useful information for formulating management and business strategies by using financial indicators, tangible asset information, and industry analysis and competitive analysis through YK values, YK3 values, which are indicators that quantify patent assets, and TK values, which are indicators that quantify brand assets, which are intangible assets of companies.