University Student Employment Company Information

Services for Universities and Educational Institutions
The YK value and YK3 value, which are indicators of our firm's technical competitiveness, are known as leading indicators of a company's growth potential. A list of excellent companies with high future growth potential, identified by using the YK value and YK3 value, can be useful for university students when searching for job opportunities.
Furthermore, companies with high technical competitiveness are recognized as serious companies that value technology and have a high level of internal morality, not just growth potential.
This service is aimed at the employment support departments of universities and uses YK value and YK3 value, as well as each university's faculty characteristics and location, to select excellent employment opportunities.
Although this service is provided in data form, it can be made into a database or brochure upon request.
Intellectual Property Education Support
When it comes to intellectual property, patents and scientific information are often thought of. However, knowledge about intellectual property is no longer limited to just science students, as it now applies to aspects such as company branding and trade secrets.
Our firm provides educational support services to students by sharing intellectual property information that will be useful for them in the future, based on our extensive practical experience.
- Seminar: We offer seminars that are useful for participants by setting themes and difficulty levels based on the situation of the target students.
[Theme examples] - "Intellectual Property Basics: Understanding Intellectual Property for Humanities Students"
- "Behind the Scenes of Intellectual Property News"
- "10 Things Researchers Should Know"
- "Utilizing Intellectual Property Skills for Global Business"
- Intellectual Property Information News:A service that delivers easy-to-understand explanations of the latest information related to intellectual property and news related to intellectual property via email.
Customization according to your specific needs is also possible, so please feel free to contact us for further discussion.

Job Placement Support
Our company possesses a unique system for evaluating the value of intellectual property (IP) that we hold (For more details on value evaluation, please refer here). Leveraging this system, we provide support services to help individuals discover companies that are both excellent employers and often overlooked in traditional job searches, thereby realizing suitable employment opportunities.
- Corporate Technological Capability Evaluation Data: This service provides data that evaluates technological capabilities. We can flexibly accommodate your needs regarding data items and scope, enabling us to provide data tailored to the specific requirements of universities and educational institutions.
- Seminars: We will discuss how to uncover "good companies" that suit you by approaching the topic from an unprecedented perspective of intellectual property. We offer seminars that serve as opportunities for fresh insights and discoveries.
Research and IP Management Support
We offer research and IP management support services by utilizing our intellectual property valuation system.
- IP Management Support: We provide assistance in verifying whether effective IP utilization is achieved in each research project.
- External Collaborative Research Support: We assist in finding suitable collaborative partners that match the needs when conducting external collaborative research.