Seminars, Lectures, and Magazine Content Provision
Industry Map from the Perspective of Patent Strength: Analyzing with YK Value
- We have created a book that presents an industry map from the world of patents.
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Intellectual Property Evaluation, Corporate Value Enhancement, and M&A for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
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From the May 2019 issue to the August 2022
issue of Nikkei Money magazine, the serialized article titled 'Patent Detectives: Find Stocks Soaring with Patents' featuring 'Kudo Patent Detective Agency' was published.
In this series, each installment introduces four stocks based on specific themes such as 'Energy and Environment' or 'Textile Products,' focusing on:
'Undervalued Stocks based on QK Value,' and
'Technological Growth Stocks based on the YK Value's rate of increase.'
*The QK Value is a metric developed jointly by QUICK Corporation and Kudo International Office, measuring the magnitude of YK Value relative to market capitalization.
The content of each issue here
In the featured article of the May 2019 issue of Nikkei Money magazine, our firm's QK Value screening based on the YK Value was published.
In pages 42 to 47 of the May 2019 issue of Nikkei Money, an article titled 'Amazing 100,000 Yen Stocks: Stocks with Undervalued Prices Compared to their Patent Value, Discovered by a Patent Firm' featured our firm's YK Value as a measure of patent competitiveness.
Among the 12 major categories of YKS technology industries, four categories, namely 'Urban Infrastructure,' 'Materials,' 'Transportation Equipment,' and 'Food, Medical, and Bio,' were selected. The article focused on the magnitude of the YK Value relative to market capitalization for each category and introduced six 'Undervalued Stocks based on Technology'.
The contents of each issue of Nikkei Money featuring Kudo Patent Detective Agency are as follows:
- August 2022 Issue-Kudo Patent Detective Agency FILE38
Introducing excellent stocks in the Information & Communication, Services, and Retail industries
- July 2022 Issue,-Kudo Patent Detective Agency FILE37
Competing in the development of functional materials: Growth stocks related to "Fiber Products"
- June 2022 Issue- Kudo Patent Detective Agency FILE36
Supporting 5G and EV from a material perspective: Growth stocks related to "Iron & Steel/Nonferrous Metals"
- May 2022 Issue- Kudo Patent Detective Agency FILE35
Patents shaping corporate competitiveness: Growth stocks related to "Pharmaceuticals"
- April 2022 Issue- Kudo Patent Detective Agency FILE34
Enhancing technological prowess in construction materials and industrial materials: Growth stocks related to "Glass/Ceramics"
- March 2022 Issue-Kudo Patent Detective Agency FILE33
Patents shining in simple products: Growth stocks in the "Other Products" category - February 2022 Issue - Kudo Patent Detective Agency FILE32
Expanding into peripheral fields with accumulated technology: Technology growth companies in the rubber products industry - January 2022 Issue - Kudo Patent Detective Agency FILE31
Wholesale stocks that extend their technical capabilities and develop their own products - December 2021 Issue - Kudo Patent Detective Agency FILE30
Sharpening technology for the EV era: Technology growth stocks in the transportation equipment industry - November 2021 Issue - Kudo Patent Detective Agency FILE29
Advancing the implementation of IoT, AI, and 5G: Technology growth stocks in the electrical equipment industry - October 2021 Issue - Kudo Patent Detective Agency FILE28
Thriving in the expanding healthcare field: Technology growth stocks in the precision equipment industry - September 2021 Issue - Kudo Patent Detective Agency FILE27
Contributing to national resilience and environmental measures: Technology growth stocks in the construction industry - August 2021 Issue - Kudo Patent Detective Agency FILE26
- Competing in the improvement of food-related technology: Growth stocks in the food products industry
- July 2021 Issue - Kudo Patent Detective Agency FILE25
Chemical-related technology growth stocks: Top growth rate in household goods manufacturing - June 2021 Issue - Kudo Patent Detective Agency FILE24
Technology growth stocks in the machinery industry: Top company in logistics and conveying equipment manufacturing - May 2021 Issue - Kudo Patent Detective Agency FILE23
Undervalued stocks in "functional metal materials" supporting industrial foundations - April 2021 Issue - Kudo Patent Detective Agency FILE22
Undervalued technology stocks in response to COVID-19 measures and EV: "Textile/film" technology-related stocks - March 2021 Issue - Kudo Patent Detective Agency FILE21
Attention to non-medical application fields: Stocks related to "biotechnology" - February 2021 Issue - Kudo Patent Detective Agency FILE20
Stocks related to "fuel cells" worth noting in the acceleration towards a carbon-free society - January 2021 Issue - Kudo Patent Detective Agency Special Edition
Inspecting the 16 stocks previously featured: Examining stock prices based on the impact of COVID-19 - December 2020 Issue - Kudo Patent Detective Agency FILE19
Undervalued technology stocks related to "semiconductor manufacturing": Benefiting from the spread of 5G and EV. - November 2020 Issue - Kudo Patent Detective Agency FILE18
Undervalued stocks in the spotlight due to the EV shift: Companies related to "motors" - October 2020 Issue - Kudo Patent Detective Agency FILE17
- Supporting Resilient Infrastructure with Unique Technology: Undervalued Stocks in the "Civil Engineering and Construction Materials" Sector
- September 2020 Issue - Kudo Patent Detective Agency FILE16
Undervalued Stocks in the "Chemical Industry" Sector, Where Japan Demonstrates High Technological Competitiveness - August 2020 Issue - Kudo Patent Detective Agency FILE15
Stocks Related to "Industrial Robots" Supporting Factory Automation - July 2020 Issue - Kudo Patent Detective Agency FILE14
Stocks Related to "Medical and Pharmaceuticals" silently supporting the Healthcare Field - June 2020 Issue - Kudo Patent Detective Agency Special Edition
Inspection of 16 previously featured stocks, no significant changes in technological undervaluation - May 2020 Issue - Kudo Patent Detective Agency FILE12
Undervalued Stocks in the "Glass and Ceramics" Sector, Utilizing their Technical Expertise in New Fields - April 2020 Issue - Kudo Patent Detective Agency FILE11
Stocks Related to "Sensors and Measurement Devices," Essential for Autonomous Driving and Manufacturing Sites - March 2020 Issue - Kudo Patent Detective Agency FILE10
Growing Expectations in Health-oriented Trends: Stocks Related to "Functional Foods" - February 2020 Issue - Kudo Patent Detective Agency FILE09
Undervalued Stocks with Technological Expertise in the "Water Treatment" Sector, Creating Freshwater and Pure Water - January 2020 Issue - Kudo Patent Detective Agency FILE08
Undervalued Stocks with Technological Expertise in the "e-Commerce" Sector, Riding the Wave of Transformation for Potential Growth - December 2019 Issue - Kudo Patent Detective Agency Special Edition
Inspection of 24 undervalued stocks discovered in the May issue, examining their price fluctuations and undervaluation levels after six months - November 2019 Issue - Kudo Patent Detective Agency FILE06
Steady and Reliable Companies in the "Machinery and Robotics" Sector, the Unsung Heroes - October 2019 Issue - Kudo Patent Detective Agency FILE05
Unveiling the Hidden Gems in the "Electronics" B2B Industry - September 2019 Issue - Kudo Patent Detective Agency FILE04
Companies that Adapt to the Changes of the "Communication and Information" Era - August 2019 Issue - Kudo Patent Detective Agency FILE03
Companies with Niche Essential Technologies in the "Electronic Devices" Sector - July 2019 Issue - Kudo Patent Detective Agency FILE02
Companies with Impressive Technologies in the "Energy and Environment" Sector, Water and Waste Treatment - June 2019 Issue - Kudo Patent Detective Agency FILE01
Focus on the Foundational Technologies Supporting the "Iron, Nonferrous, and Metal" Industries
Other contents are as follows; |
Nikkei Inc. | Nikkei Veritas Issue No. 741 (May 22, 2022): "Special Feature: Measuring Growth Potential Through Patents - Promising Companies" (P46) |
Sankei Shimbun | Intellectual Property Information & Strategy System No. 26 (February 2022): Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the "Intellectual Property Nation Declaration" (Business Card Ad) |
Nikkei BP | Nikkei Money No. 444 (May 2019): "Stocks Undervalued Compared to Patent Worth: Amazing Technologies Unearthed by Patent Firms – 100,000-Yen Stocks" |
Technical Information Institute Co., Ltd. | Inventory and Strategy for Patent Rights (Book published on December 27, 2017): "Corporate Patent Value Evaluation Using YKS and PQ Methods" |
Mizuho Research Institute | BUSINESS TOPICS No. 182 (November 2017): "Intellectual Property Strategy Basics: From Patent Application Tips to Addressing Infringement" |
TAC Co., Ltd. | TACNEWS Issue No. 458 (May 2017): "Japan's Professional Series No. 387: Japanese Patent Attorneys" |
Asahi Shimbun Publications | AERA (February 22, 2016): "New Standards for Strong Companies: Top 100 Firms for Profitability, Growth, and Stability" |
Mizuho Research Institute | BUSINESS TOPICS No. 161 (February 2016): "Protecting Regional Product Names Like '○○ Beef' or '○○ Pork': Overview and Practical Applications of the Geographical Indication Protection System" |
Nikkei Inc. | Nikkei Company Information 2015-Ⅰ New Year Issue (December 2014): "Special Feature: 'Strong Patents' Drive Stock Prices" |
FujiSankei Business i. | Intellectual Property Information & Strategy System No. 20 (2014): "Collaborative Approach to IP Finance by Patent Firms and Financial Information Companies – Development of the 'Patent Power Search Tool (Tentative Name)'" |
Hogakushoin Publishing | Patent Attorney Exam New Report Vol. 105 (November 2013): Foreword – "Building a Better Society: Life Goals and Passing the Patent Attorney Exam" |
Nikkei BP | Nikkei Money No. 375 (December 2013): "In-depth Analysis: Stocks with Potential Due to Technological Strength" |
Capital Market Research Foundation | "Exploring New Stock Investment Metrics in the Era of Monetary Easing" (Authored by Shingo Ide) |
FujiSankei Business i. | Intellectual Property Information & Strategy System No. 18 (2012): "Breaking News! 'Sharp Ranks No. 1 in Patent Power for Value Stocks'" |
LEC (Tokyo Legal Mind) | Professional Frontline Report 2012 – Patent Attorney Edition: "The World of Professionals: Leaders in IP Valuation" |
Nikkei BP | Nikkei Money No. 350 (January 2012): "Profitable Japanese Stocks Even in Tough Times: 'The Power of Patents as a Source of Profits'" |
LEC (Tokyo Legal Mind) | Professional Frontline Report 2011 – Patent Attorney Edition: "The World of Professionals: Leaders in IP Valuation" |
FujiSankei Business i. | Intellectual Property Information & Strategy System No. 17 (2011): "Evaluating Corporate Growth Through Patents: Launch of the 'Corporate Patent Evaluation Index'" |
LEC (Tokyo Legal Mind) | Patent Attorney – A Guide to Becoming a Practitioner (2011 Edition): "Profiles of Experienced Professionals" |
Jiji Press | J2TOP vol. 53 (August 2011): "Strategies for Protecting SMEs' Intellectual Property in the Future" |
Nikkei BP Website | "Utilizing SMEs' Intellectual Property" (2010) |
Nikkei BP Website | Nikkei Venture Business Owners Club - Business Report (2009–2010) |
Japan Center for Economic Research | Nikkei Monthly Report (June 2010): "The Trajectory of the Patent Value Assessment Business" |
Nikkei Monthly Report (June 2010): "Intellectual Property Valuation for SMEs – Enhancing Corporate Value and Facilitating M&A" |
Japanese Association of Financial Econometrics and Engineering | Proceedings of the 32nd Winter JAFFE Conference (2009): Research Papers |
FujiSankei Business i. | FujiSankei Business i. Intellectual Property Information & Strategy System No. 15 (2009) |
Doyukan Publishing | "Industry Maps Viewed Through the Patent Strength Index (YK Value)" (September 2009) |
Diamond, Inc. | Weekly Diamond Special Edition (April 18, 2009): "Japan's Invention Power – The First Ever Invention Power Ranking" Featured on Tokyo Buzz Magazine (April 19, 2009, TBS Broadcast): Winner of the "Train Ad Grand Prize" |
FujiSankei Business i. | FujiSankei Business i.Intellectual Property Information & Strategy System No. 14 (2009): Report Commissioned by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (2008) |
Teikoku Databank, Ltd. | "Research Report on Facilitating Fundraising Through Technology Evaluation" (March 2009) |
Japan Patent Attorneys Association | Patent (March 2008): "Monetary Evaluation Methods for Patents Using Relative Valuation" |
Mizuho Research Institute | Business Topics (September 2007): "How to Respond When Patent Infringement Is Discovered" |
Fusion and Innovation | Technology Management (August 2007): "Reading Corporate Profitability and Risks from Patent Value Evaluations 3 – YK Value and Revenue" |
Technology Management (June 2007): "Reading Corporate Profitability and Risks from Patent Value Evaluations 2 – A Guide for Stock Investments" Technology Management (February 2007): "Introduction to YK Method for Patent Value Evaluation 1" |
Ohmsha Publishing | OHM Technical General Magazine (March 2007): Supplement – "Examples of IP Disputes and Strategies for Individuals and Corporations" |
Presidents Data Bank Inc. | Venture Factory News (March 2007): "Periodic Disclosure of Corporate Patent Strength Index Using Proprietary YKS Evaluation Methods |
Japan Science and Technology Foundation | Companies and Intellectual Property No. 417 (2006): "World’s First Patent Strength Measurement for Corporate Ratings" Companies and Intellectual Property No. 415 (2006): "Commercializing Intellectual Property and Financing" |
Economy Publishing Co., Ltd. | Economy Magazine (November 14, 2006): "New Patent Value Evaluation Framework – YKS Method" |
Ohmsha Publishing | OHM Technical General Magazine (October 2006): "Establishing a Patent Value Evaluation Method" |
FujiSankei Business i. | FujiSankei Business i.Intellectual Property Information & Strategy System No. 6 (2006) |
National Federation of Business Owners' Associations | Square 21 Supplement – Management Handbook (Samurai Special Edition) |
FujiSankei Business i. | Regular Columns in FujiSankei Business i. |
Soft Network | Regular Columns in Soft Network |
KSK Research Institute | Regular Reports in KSK Report |
Ohmsha Publishing | Computer & Network LAN (October 2003): Supplement – "Avoiding IT Patent Infringement Risks" |
Technical Information Institute | "Practical Negotiation for Enforcing Patent Rights" |
Mizuho Research Institute | Foret (2003): "Three Key Points for Filing Business Model Patents" |
Management Flash: Topics include "Preventing Patent Disputes Between Employers and Employees – Guidelines for Calculating Invention Compensation," "Utilizing Information Provision Systems," "Key Considerations for Decision Revocation Lawsuits," and "Overview of 2008 Patent Law Amendments." |
Mizuho Research Institute | Intellectual Property Hot Topics (Monthly Email Distribution, 2003) |
Japan Skill Education Development Center | Comprehensive Correspondence Education Guide – "Introduction to Business Model Patents" |
ASCII Publishing | "Practical Guide to Business Model Patents" |
Newspaper article history
Article title etc. | Newspaper name etc. |
Make the Most of Intellectual Property Business ~ Patent Information Disclosure Connecting Companies and Investors Through Patent Attorneys ~ (Published on October 7, 2022) | Fujisankei Business i |
Kudo Ichiro International Patent Office, Visualizing the Value of Patents / Rankings in the Power Sector (Published on August 2, 2019) | Denki Shimbun (Electricity News) |
Market Sketches: Insights from Highlighted Reports ~ Searching for the Next “Shitamachi Rocket” ~ (Published on February 15, 2019) | Nihon Keizai Shimbun (Nikkei) |
Make the Most of Intellectual Property Business ~ Launch of "YKS Company Information" for Financial Institutions ~ (Published on July 7, 2017) | Fujisankei Business i |
Make the Most of Intellectual Property Business ~ Utilizing Technical Competitiveness Package Reports for Growth Strategies ~ (Published on October 7, 2016) | Fujisankei Business i |
Companies with “Strong Patents”: Analyzing Competitiveness Across 100 Sectors, New Industrial Genesis Series (Published on May 22, 2016) | Nihon Keizai Shimbun (Electronic Edition) |
Leveraging Patent Strength for Investment: Linked with Autumn Issue of Company Information (Published on September 14, 2015) | Nihon Keizai Shimbun (Electronic Edition) |
Nikkei Company Information Autumn 2015 Issue: Examining Corporate Resilience (Published on August 28, 2015) | Nihon Keizai Shimbun |
Nikkei Company Information New Year 2015 Issue: Discovering New, Promising Stocks for 2015 (Published on November 28, 2014) | Nihon Keizai Shimbun |
QUICK New Stock Index: Quantifying Technological Strength (Published on May 27, 2014) | Nihon Keizai Shimbun |
Challenges of the “Third Arrow” (Abenomics) Part 1: Evaluating Technology Competitiveness in Investment and Lending Decisions ~ Make the Most of Intellectual Property Business ~ (Published on May 20, 2013) | Fujisankei Business i |
Utilizing Patent Information in Lending Decisions: Visualizing Technological Competitiveness (Published on May 10, 2013) | NIKKIN (Nihon Kinyu Tsushinsha - Japan Financial News Agency) |
Assessing Growth Potential Through Patent Information: Applying to Lending Tools (Published on February 22, 2013) | NIKKIN (Nihon Kinyu Tsushinsha - Japan Financial News Agency) |
Calculating Interference Costs by Competitors: Quantifying Patent Attacks (Published on January 13, 2012) | Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun (Daily Industrial News) |
Evolving Investor Relations (IR) Part 2: Promoting Corporate Technology Through Patent Attorneys’ Evaluations (Published on July 14, 2011) | Nihon Keizai Shimbun |
Technology IR Presentation: “Today’s Must-See Japanese Technologies” (Published on December 7, 2010) | Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun (Daily Industrial News) |
Make the Most of Intellectual Property Business ~ Japan’s First Patent-Data-Based Investment Trust ~ (Published on September 14, 2009) | Fujisankei Business i |
METI Survey: “A Boost for Competitiveness” ~ Corporate R&D Capabilities ~ (Published on June 3, 2009) | Nihon Keizai Shimbun |
Make the Most of Intellectual Property Business ~ Corporate Credit Ratings Based on Patent Evaluations (Published on February 16, 2009) | Fujisankei Business i |
M&A Brokerage Partnership ~ SOTOKU Teams Up with Leading Offices on Patent Value Assessments ~ (Published on August 17, 2007) | Nihon Keizai Shimbun |
Kudo Ichiro International Patent Office Ratings ~ Matsushita Leads in Patent Index Rankings (Published on July 30, 2007) | Fujisankei Business i |
Unique Patent Evaluation Method Unveiled: Corporate Rankings Available Online (Published on April 9, 2007) | Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun |
In-House Inventors and Compensation Limits ~ Mid-Ruling on Blue LED Case ~ (Published on September 20, 2002) | Tokyo Shimbun |
Handful of patent-savvy firms leaving laggards far behind (Published on November 9, 2001) | Japan Times |
Technical IR Briefing
Event period | Contents |
December 2013 | Company Presentation: Rion Co., Ltd. |
July 2012 | Company Presentation: Harmonic Drive Systems Inc. Company Presentation: 1st Holdings, Inc. |
July 2011 | Company Presentation: Nippon Kogyo Co., Ltd. Company Presentation: Freund Corporation |
December 2010 | Keynote Speech: “Japanese Technologies to Watch Now” Company Presentation: Takamizawa Cybernetics Co., Ltd. Company Presentation: Artech Ueno Co., Ltd. |
Lecture History
講演日 | 講演題目 | 講演先 | |
2022 | March | “What Is the New Role of Patent Offices for Client Companies Following the Revision of the Tokyo Stock Exchange Governance Code?” | Japan Patent Attorneys Cooperative Association, Special Agency: Coordinate Co., Ltd. |
2020 | September | “Practical Design and Trademark Systems” | Jigyo Partner |
2017 | December | “Corporate Growth Metrics Measured by Patent Information” | 14th Shanghai International Forum on Intellectual Property |
2016 | June | “Corporate Growth Potential from the Perspective of Technical Patent Strength: Case Studies on Utilization in Investor Relations (IR)” | Japan IR Association |
2016 | April | “The True Strength Lies in the Invisible: Growth Strategies for Startups” Utilization examples: Bank of Japan, Tokyo Stock Exchange, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Ernst & Young, Diamond Inc., and others |
Japan Software Association, Management Capability Enhancement Study Group |
2012 | November | “Corporate Value Management, Stock Prices, and Patent Management: YK Value Patent Evaluation Index and Its Applications” | Patent Information Fair & Conference |
2011 | January | Practitioner Lecture “What Truly Constitutes a Valuable Invention? ~ The Present and Future of Intellectual Property Evaluation ~” | Tokyo Legal Mind |
2010 | December | Technology IR Presentation Lecture: “Japanese Technologies to Watch Now” |
Osaka Securities Exchange |
March | “World Business Satellite, Panorama Eye: The Current State of Patents”(Aired on March 17, 2010) | TV Tokyo Network | |
March | “Intangible Assets and Corporate Valuation” Presenter: Patent Attorney Yasuko Kobayashi Lecture Topics: The Role of Intangible Assets in Corporate Valuation The Economic Value of Technological Competitiveness Reliability and Predictive Value of Technological Competitiveness Indicators New IR Strategies Utilizing Technological Competitiveness Indicators |
Tokyo Shoken Building | |
2009 | December | Valuation of Intellectual Assets ~ Utilizing Intellectual Assets in Corporate Management | Kansai Patent Information Center Promotion Association |
November | Towards “Investment Utilization” of “Patent Information” ~ Verifying Its Effectiveness for Investments ~ | Patent Information Fair & Conference | |
November | Continuing Education for Patent Attorneys ~ Patent Rights Valuation (Theoretical Edition) ~ | Japan Patent Attorneys Association Valuation Committee | |
November | Patent Evaluation Useful for Tax Accountants and Certified Public Accountants | Jigyo Partner | |
October | 2nd YKS Seminar | Part 2: Jointly Hosted by Sparx Asset Management and Our Office | |
September | Fundraising Using Patents and Methods of Disclosing Patent Information | Hirakawa Accounting Partners (Tax Accountant Corporation) | |
September | 2nd YKS Seminar | Part 1: Jointly Hosted by Nomura Asset Management and Our Office | |
April | Practitioner Lecture | Tokyo Legal Mind | |
February | Profitable Intellectual Property for Small and Medium Enterprises | Ota City, 13th Ota Industrial Fair | |
2008 | November | Utilization and Support of Patents and Technologies by SMEs and Startups ~ What is Intellectual Property Utilization, Rights Enforcement, and Infringement Measures? | Patent Information Fair & Conference |
June | Patent Valuation: An Objective Valuation Method Developed from the Perspective of Patent Attorneys | Joho Kikou | |
2007 | November | Patent Infringement Risks ~ Particularly the Possibility of Patent Infringement in the Chinese Market ~ | Mizuho Research & Technologies, Consulting Department |
July | "Corporate Patent Attorneys vs. Law Firm Patent Attorneys" | Tokyo Legal Mind, Science and Technology Forum | |
March | "Case Study Training on Patent Valuation Using Stationery as a Theme" | Japan Patent Attorneys Association, Intellectual Property Valuation Promotion Center, Case Study Training | |
March | "Preventing Infringement of Other Companies' Patents and Responding to Infringement Warnings: Avoiding Risks and Winning Battles" | Monthly "Software and IP" Study Group, 2nd Session (Monthly Lecturer) Hosted by Japan IT Patent Association |
February | "Monetary Valuation Methods for Patents Using Relative Evaluation" | First Joint Training Session by the Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Tokyo Division, and the Japan Patent Attorneys Association Kanto Branch | |
January | "IP Management and the Importance of Generating and Utilizing Investment Evaluation Information" | 40th E04 Patent Discussion Group General Meeting Hosted by E04 Patent Discussion Group |
2006 | November | “IP Management and the Importance of Generating and Utilizing Investment Evaluation Information ~ A Patent Relative and Economic Evaluation System Developed from the Perspective of Patent Attorneys ~” | Patent Information Fair & Conference |
September | How to Monetize Patents | Professional Network | |
August | Patent Valuation | NPO IAI Japan, International Debate Society, Chukan Hojin Intellectual Property Commercialization Association, Japan Society of Development Engineering | |
August | New Methods of IP Valuation: Models for Quantification and Standardization | Intellectual Property Commercialization Association | |
June | The Purpose of Corporate Intellectual Property Activities | Mizuho Bank | |
May | Patent Industry Seminar | Tokyo Legal Mind | |
February | Intellectual Property Strategy as a Venture | Aomori Industry Support Center (21st Century Foundation) | |
2005 | December | Reflections on Intellectual Property | Business Keyman Network |
November | Soft Network IT Festa: Learning Intellectual Property Infringement Countermeasures from Real Cases of Software Patent Disputes | Soft Network | |
July | Strategic Utilization of Patent Rights ~ Reverse Engineering and Patent Enforcement Negotiations ~ | Japan Technical Service | |
May | Intellectual Property Rights as Assets | IP Comprehensive Research Institute | |
March | Patents as Economic Activities ~ Intellectual Property Nation or Intellectual Property Decline? | Chiba Prefectural Government, Commerce and Industry Promotion Division | |
January | Techniques for Utilizing Intellectual Property | Management SoKen | |
January | Approaches to Business Model Patents and Case Studies | Major Electronics Manufacturer | |
2004 | July | Patent Education Program | Major Electronics Manufacturer |
July | Intellectual Property Strategies of Companies That Strategically Utilize Intellectual Property Rights | Mizuho Research & Technologies | |
May | Patent Strategies for SMEs and Fundraising Know-How from Professional Investors | Public Trust | |
April | Strategic Utilization of Intellectual Assets in the Construction Industry | Asuka Club | |
March | Patent Strategies for SMEs: Achieving Competitive Advantage | Public Trust | |
March | The Journey to Independent Practice and the Present | Tokyo Legal Mind | |
March | Business Model Patents: Truth or Myth? ~ The Real Utilization Method Nobody Knows Yet! ~ | Major Electronics Manufacturer | |
2003 | July | Patent Risk Management | Major Electronics Manufacturer |
June | Business Model Patents and New Bio-Business Ventures | Agricultural Low-Temperature Science Research Association | |
June | Your Idea Can Become a Patent | NPO SOS Comprehensive Consultation Group | |
January | Practical Patent Enforcement Negotiations ~ Strategic Negotiation Techniques in Patent Discussions ~ | Technical Information Association | |
2002 | December | Responding to Patent Infringement Warnings in Practice | Japan IT Patent Association |
July | Practical Patent Course for General Employees | Japan IT Patent Association | |
January | Current Status and Challenges of Copyright Issues | NPO International Federation of Creators | |
2001 | December | How Companies Can Protect Themselves Using Intellectual Property Rights | Professional Network |
July | Business Model Patent Strategies | OGIS Research Institute | |
March | Is Your Company Prepared to Defend Against Business Model Challenges? | Japan Productivity Center | |
2000 | December | Cross-Industry Network Forum: “Practical Guide to Business Model Patents, from Ideation to Application” | Aomori Industry Support Center (21st Century Foundation) |
Activity record
November–December 2017 | Hosted Nikkei Telecom School: “Utilizing Patent Strength Information for Corporate Valuation... Mastering Nikkei Telecom” |
June 2014 | Organized a seminar for individual investors titled “Stock Investment Toward 2020—Understanding and Leveraging Growth Potential” at the Tokyo Stock Exchange.(Co-hosted by: Kudo Ichiro International Patent Office, Tokyo Stock Exchange Inc., Rakuten Securities Inc., Japan Communication & Manner Association)(Supported by: Commons Asset Management Inc., QUICK Corporation) |
October 2013 | The Bank of Japan published a working paper titled “Estimating Corporate Default Rates Considering Intangible Assets” (by Financial System and Bank Examination Department’s Mr. Tsuyoshi Tsuchiya and Mr. Shinichi Nishioka), which adopted our patent value evaluation indicators for analysis. →”
April 2013 | The Bank of Japan published a Financial System Report incorporating our patent value evaluation indicators for analysis. |
August 2012 | The Tokyo Stock Exchange announced its second report on "Themed Stocks" using our indicators to highlight attractive companies. |
October 2011 | Jointly developed the Corporate Patent Evaluation Indicator with QUICK Corporation. →"
December 2010–2012 | Held “Technology IR Presentations” with support from the Osaka Exchange July 23, 2012 December 12, 2011 July 5, 2011 December 10, 2010 |
May 2009 | Participated in a study group organized by the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI), leading to the publication of reports: →2008 Industry Technology Survey Report:"
→2008 Industry Technology Survey Report: "
December 2005 | Entered into a comprehensive business partnership with Mizuho Research & Technologies. →"